WNY's Premier Beer Line Cleaning Service
Check out all the great happenings in Buffalo Brewing as well as a feature article on Clean Beer Initiative in the 2018 edition of Buffalo Beer Week Magazine!
Beer & Wine Line Cleaning
*Lines cleaned by re-circulation pump
*Outer lines wiped from coupler to gas valve
*Couplers soaked & scrubbed
*Faucets dismantled, soaked & scrubbed
*Inside of coupler cleaned
*Tower shanks scrubbed
*Tower cleaned
Bi-Weekly Certified Clean Program...
Includes all of the above as well as:
*Washers checked and replaced if needed
*Quarterly Acid Clean (extra fee if not biweekly customer)
*F.O.B. Cleaning (Extra Fee - BUT deep discount for bi-weekly customers!)
*Discounts on service calls
Cooler & Keg Box Clean Out
Some beer coolers get disorganized, dirty and neglected over time. This service is provided prior to the first cleaning and includes:
*A full outer line cleaning (mold removal)
*Keg organization
*Lines labeled & organized properly
*Cooler walls wiped with disinfectant
*Keg top, lids & debris removed from the cooler floor and mopped
*We do our best to make your equipment look new again!
Additional Services
*Gas Leak Checks
*Cooler Temperature Recording
*Coupler dismount, soak, clean & lube
*F.O.B. Drain Installs
*Additional Services Upon Request
We provide services for minor repairs that can be completed in a timely fashion. Additionally, we offer a wide variety of replacement parts
(faucets, couplers, fittings, beer hoses, etc.)
NOTE: Due to the difference in procedures for each establishment, we do not change empty kegs. If beer lines are not serviced regularly, it may take numerous cleanings to eliminate the build up in the lines. There are situations when it is impossible to eliminate all the build up. Cleaning is still essential for great tasting beer. We will advise you if this problem persists & makes cost-effective recommendations.